We owe our origin as a Lodge to a few young and progressive men who, becoming weary of the prosaic ways of rendering the work in their respective Lodges, and despairing of making a change by isolated efforts, discouraged as they were by many of the older brethren, thought by combining a unity of action with their unity of purpose, to make more manifest the benefits of our Institution by more earnest if not better work. This was no easy task, and much credit is due to the energy and perseverance of our Charter members.
—Brother Willis D. Engle, on the occasion of the celebration of the fourth anniversary of Mystic Tie Lodge, May 28, 1873
Mystic Tie Lodge #398
Chartered: May 28, 1869
January 2020
As we begin a new year and enter into a new decade, Indianapolis celebrates its Bicentennial. The brethren of Mystic Tie Lodge helped to build this city and to make Indianapolis what it is today. From the first master of the lodge and five-term Indianapolis Mayor John Caven, to the prolific architectural firm of Rubush and Hunter, to the “godfather of historic preservation in Indianapolis,” H. Roll McLaughlin, the brothers of Mystic Tie have laid the city’s foundation and shaped its structure with the working tools of both operative and speculative Masonry.
Mystic Tie Lodge moved to its stunning new home in the Scottish Rite Cathedral in December of 2017. The Scottish Rite Cathedral is a masterpiece of architectural design, recognized by the International Association of Architects as “one of the seven most beautiful buildings in the world.” Designated as significant by the National Register of Historic Places, the Cathedral serves as a continual reminder to Freemasons of where we have been and how we got here.
Upon reflecting with solemn reverence and humility on the storied history of the Mystic Tie Lodge, and with admiration of and gratitude to those who lit the way before us, we look forward to a new dawn. Mystic Tie is set to burgeon into a premier lodge in downtown Indianapolis. We helped build this city. We make good men better. We have a bright future before us.
—Glenn A. Blackwood
142nd Worshipful Master
On behalf of Mystic Tie, Lodge #398 F&AM
That sacred and inviolable bond which unites men of the most discordant opinions into one band of brothers, which gives but one language to men of all nations and one altar to men of all religions, is properly, from the mysterious influence it exerts, denominated the mystic tie; and Freemasons, because they alone are under its influence, or enjoy its benefits, are called "Brethren of the Mystic Tie.”
—Albert G. Mackey, The Mystic Tie, 1867
Worshipful Master
Gregory L. McConaughey
February 10, 2025
5:30 pm-6:30 pm
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Dinners cancelled until further notice.
Stated Meeting
February 10, 2025
7:00 pm-9:00 pm
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March 10, 2025
5:30 pm-6:30 pm
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Dinners cancelled until further notice.
Stated Meeting
March 10, 2025
7:00 pm-9:00 pm
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